Zentralasien/ Kaukasien       






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Wissenschaftliche Publikationen


Vom "Ideologieexport" zur Wahrnehmung nationaler Interessen - Irans regionale Außenpolitik in Zentralasien

Seit den ersten Jahren der Islamischen Republik hat die Außenpolitik des Iran eine dynamische Entwicklung durchlaufen. Der Beitrag beschreibt schemenhaft diesen Wandel vom so genannten "Ideologieexport" zu einer Politik der Wahrnehmung nationaler Interessen am Beispiel regionaler Außenpolitik in Zentralasien. mehr

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The South Caucasus Policy of Turkey: Strategic goals, dynamics and future prospects

The dissolution of the Soviet Union and the emergence of newly independent states in Central Asia and the South Caucasus affected Turkey’s domestic and foreign policies significantly. On one side, Turkey lost most of its importance as a bulwark for the West towards Moscow that it had maintained during the Cold War era. On the other, it faced new opportunities and challenges emerging from the completely new environment around it. For the first time in the Republican history after 1923, Turkey could afford a new approach in foreign policy-making and develop interests beyond its borders. The Kemalist principle of “Peace at home, peace in the world” (“Yurtta barıs, dünyada barıs”) largely lost its appeal and gave way to a more ambitious and less defensive foreign policy agenda. Some experts even predicted a shift from the traditional Western orientation of Kemalist Turkey, an objective embodied in Turkey’s quest for full membership in the European Union, to a more balanced West-East approach.

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